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The Power of Connection: A Strong Parent-Child Relationship Can Prevent Bullying

The Power of Connection: A Strong Parent-Child Relationship Can Prevent Bullying

The power of connection or, building a strong parent-child connection with your son or daughter is crucial for so many reasons.

However in my opinion, one in particular stands out. Namely, preventing bullying. That’s right, by having a close relationship with your kid, you can actually help prevent bullying from happening.

I discuss bullying in more detail here.

Meaningful relationships of any kind are not always going to be easy. However, when it comes to being a valuable mentor to your son or daughter, it’s definitely worth the effort. When you have a strong bond with your child, they feel safe, loved, and supported. This can go a long way in preventing them from becoming either a victim of bullying or, a bully themselves.

So, let’s dive into some of the ways you can build that strong relationship.

The Listening Connection

First and foremost, the power of connection is about listening. When your child is talking to you, make sure you give them your full attention. Put down your phone, turn off the TV, even if it’s during the big game, and really engage with them. Listen to what they have to say, and let them know that you’re there for them.

Another important aspect for building a strong relationship with your child, is showing interest. Ask them questions about their day, their friends, and hobbies. Even if you don’t fully understand their interests, show them how you care about what matters to them. When you take a genuine interest in their life, they’ll feel seen and valued. Everyone on the planet craves this, so give out your acknowledgment and energy to your child often and freely. Doing this, can have a huge positive impact on their perception of you.

The Power of Consistency

Consistency is also key. Try to establish a regular schedule for family time, and make sure you stick to it as much as possible. Whether it’s a weekly game night or a Sunday morning homemade pancake breakfast, having that consistency and routine can provide a sense of stability for your child.

Master Gary Simmons mentoring pre teens

Positive Reinforcement For A Strong Connection

It’s also important to use positive reinforcement. When your child does something kind or helpful, praise them for it. This not only makes them feel good about themselves, but it also reinforces positive behaviour. Conversely, make sure you’re clear about the consequences of negative behaviour, such as bullying, or being mean, lazy or dishonest. Let them know that deliberate, poor behaviour is never acceptable and that it has consequences

The Power Of Connection: Being a Role Model

Perhaps, most importantly, the power of connection can be achieved if you strive to be a good role model for your child. Children tend to learn more from what they see their parents do, rather than what they’re told. Learning by observing is vital process for a child’s transformation into becoming a grounded and high functioning adult. Therefore, it’s important that you exhibit the kind of behaviour you would like your children to adopt.

For example, if you want your child to be kind and respectful towards others, then you should make an effort to model this yourself. This can be as simple as saying “please” and “thank you” when interacting with others, or holding the door open for someone.


Another example is empathy. If you want your child to understand and care about the feelings of others, you can model empathy by showing concern for others when they’re upset or hurt. This can be as simple as offering a hug or a listening ear to a friend who is going through a difficult time.


Respect is also an important value to instil in your child. You can model respect by treating others, including your child, with kindness and consideration. Too often I hear parents reply to their child’s thoughts or comments with something along the lines of “don’t be stupid”. I strongly recommend that you never shut a child down like this. Always take the time to explain life matters by using examples a child or teen can relate to, even if it may be inconvenient at the time.

When it comes to learning, children are like sponges. They pick up on everything that happens around them, even though it may not be outwardly obvious. As parents, it’s important to recognize that your child is always watching and learning from your every move, even when you’re not directly teaching them something.


Master Gary Simmons mentoring pre teens

For example, if you’re constantly on your phone or device, your child may start to develop the habit of being glued to a screen as well. On the other hand, if you make an effort to engage with your child by playing games, reading books, or going for a walk, they will likely develop a love for those activities and learn to value quality time spent together.

Another example is how children learn to interact with others based on the social cues they observe from their parents. If you’re always respectful and polite towards others, your child is more likely to pick up on those behaviours and exhibit them in their own interactions with friends, family, and even strangers. On the flip side, if you’re consistently rude or dismissive towards others, your child may start to develop those same negative habits.

Learned Behaiviour

Bear in mind that some of the darkest attributes of human behaviour such as racism, bullying and swearing are learnt behaviours. Kids have big ears, so if you have a friend or family member who condones these attitudes, even indirectly, your child will pick up on it. You have a big responsibility to protect your child from these types of conversations, comments or attitudes at all costs during their formative years. By doing this, when they’re in the real world without you, they’ll be able to discern what objectionable bad behaviour is. They’ll have the capacity to think for themselves, rather than going along with the crowd.

If you’re  mindful of your own behaviour and set a good example, you can help your children develop positive habits and values that will serve them well throughout their lives.


So there you have it, some tips for building a strong relationship with your child by tapping into the power of connection. If you and your son or daughter work together, they’ll fit into society with a minimum of struggle. And, you can help prevent bullying. When you have a strong relationship with your child, you can help them navigate the ups and downs of life with confidence, resilience, respect and patience.

Master Gary Simmons smiling

If you’d like to contact me please click here

Master Gary Simmons smiling

Is Your Child Being Bullied At School?

And the school either can’t or won’t stop it?

Well, maybe I can help. Check out my ‘School Escalation Blueprint’ and let’s put an end to school bullying… starting from today.

Stop School Bullying: The School Escalation Blueprint

Stop School Bullying: The School Escalation Blueprint

I’d like to discuss how you can stop school bullying.

Have you ever felt sick when your child comes home from school and bursts into tears… or just sits, sullen and withdrawn, from being bullied? And, the school can’t, or won’t do anything about it?

Are you being told that you’re ‘over reacting’? Even when you know that your child is sitting alone at lunch. Or, not being invited for play dates and excluded from parties.

Have your concerns about your child being bullied and harassed been downplayed and treated with indifference? Even when you’ve reached out to the school or your child’s teacher?

I’ve been coaching boys, girls, men and women about how to deal with bullies for 30 years. And, I have something very powerful to share with you that I know will help.

Yes! Even if you’re feeling extremely frustrated and angry because your beautiful, sensitive and kind child Is going through HELL by being the target of a cunning and relentless school bully.

I can show you exactly how to:

  • Expose those sneaky and manipulative kids. Finally, the teachers will see what’s really going on behind their back
  • Use the school system, so your child won’t be the source of other kids ‘fun’ anymore
  • NOT get fobbed off or have your concerns downplayed. Learn how to by-pass the school’s ‘gate keeper’
  • Approach your child in a way where you’re regarded as a trusted ally by your child. They won’t see you as an interrogator or as an embarrassment. Learn how to reassure them you won’t blunder into the school and make the bullying situation “ten times worse”
  • Help your child come home with a SMILE again
  • What to do if your child is the target of cyber bullying

Consider these questions…

  1. “How would knowing how to help your child stop school bullying now, make a difference in your life?”

Would it give you:

  • Hope for the future, rather than dread?
  • Peace of mind, knowing that as a parent you did everything possible to empower your child?
  • Pride that you inspired your child to share their uniqueness with the world?
  • Confidence that your son or daughter has the potential to grow into a well adjusted young adult, with healthy relationships and a fulfilling life?

2. “If you could plug into a proven system that many other parents who were dealing with this exact same issue have already had success with, would this be the way to create a successful result for your family?”

Well, I Have a Plan To Help You Stop School Bullying

Or to be more specific, I have a training program to help you do something about bullying in schools that will help you to achieve the same result for your kid.

Introducing… My School Escalation Program.

It contains the 7 steps To Motivate Your Child’s School to Stamp Out Bullying and NOT Just give you lip service

Or to be more specific, I have a training program to help you do something about bullying in schools that will help you to achieve the same result for your kid.

Introducing… My School Escalation Program.

It contains the 7 steps To Motivate Your Child’s School to Stamp Out Bullying and NOT Just give you lip service

ing  It’s a tried and tested bully prevention plan. It allows you to utilise the school’s OWN system to your advantage. Find out how YOU can approach them in way that THEY’LL have to take SERIOUSLY.

It contains:

  1. Practical Training
  2. Easy to follow Systems
  3. Useful Resources

If your child’s being bullied at school now, it’s a great place to START right now. Begin turning around their bullying situation… starting from today.

Is that too bold of a promise?

At this point, you may be thinking… “So what exactly can I expect to gain from this program?”

Well, you’ll get access to a series of detailed training videos so I can walk you step by step through the entire system.


You’ll learn:

  • What bullies and their parents fail to do… so they’ll be NO match for you!
  • How to utilise the school’s own system to YOUR advantage and stop school bullying
  • The best way to approach the school in a way that THEY’LL take seriously
  • What you can do to make the school authorities feel COMPELLED to step in to facilitate a solution… and STOP your child being bullied
  • Learn exactly who to target for action, when to do it… and how
  • How to handle the parents of a bully, even if they’re hostile, like their kid!
  • Learn what to do if things get really nasty

Have You Got a Bullying Problem Going On At The School Right Now?

Some parents have shared with me how it can be intimidating or frustrating to deal with school bureaucracies and gatekeepers.

So to help you do this…

I’m also going to give you  access to  my email, letter and phone call TEMPLATES to help make contacting the school LESS confronting.

Use my handy LETTER TEMPLATES to help you construct the right letter or email, at the right time, to the right person

If you’re nervous about calling the school, use the PHONE TEMPLATES to keep your conversation track

These are the very same tools and systems that my students and their parents use. But let’s put this into perspective..

Use my handy LETTER TEMPLATES to help you construct the right letter or email, at the right time, to the right person

If you’re nervous about calling the school, use the PHONE TEMPLATES to keep your conversation track

These are the very same tools and systems that my students and their parents use. But let’s put this into perspective..

What’s being able to see your child being their ‘old self’, and coming home from school smiling again worth to you?

If all this system did was to help you…

  • Expose those sneaky and manipulative kids, so the teachers can see what’s really going on behind their backs
  • Learn exactly how to use the ‘SYSTEM’ so your child will no longer be the source of other kids fun
  • Confidently and firmly resolve a difficult situation at the school, even if the teacher doesn’t know how, so your child can feel safe
  • To NOT get fobbed off or have your concerns downplayed by the school’s ‘gate keeper’ ever again
  • Would this training program be worthwhile? This anti bullying system WORKS!

Is YOUR family ready to become my next success story?

Join me, and let’s stop school bullying, starting from right NOW.

Click here to find out more.

Master Gary Simmons smiling
Master Gary Simmons smiling